How to have a glowing skin: Products and supplements

Want to have that gorgeous glowing skin? Then use my top 5 glowing skin routine daily.This works regardless of your complexion.

1) Stay hydrated : Start your day with 2-3 glasses of water and aim to drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of spring water everyday,  don't wait till you feel thirsty before you decide to drink water.

2) A balanced diet : The importance of a balanced diet on the skin cannot be over emphasized. Start your day with protein and end with protein ,  aim to have three evenly spaced meal per day and two healthy snacks in a day, one at noon and one before bedtime, eat at least 2 portions of salmon(or any Fish) per day and switch your oils to olive oil, Include 3-5 portions of recommended fruits per day. The recommended fruits include but are not limited to Grape, Blue berries, Cucumber, and Apple. Example of a Beauty diet breakfast is to have a 4 ounce boiled Salmon, a quarter cup of fresh Berries and 12 ounces of spring water.

3) Exfoliate and moisturize: Switch up your exfoliation game by dry brushing before shower. An example of a dry brush that can be used is Earth therapeutics hand brush. Note that the texture of the bristles is dependent on how delicate your skin is, also there are face brushes to be used on the face because of the sensitivity of the face. Remember to moisturize daily based on your skin type. An example of a very good moisturizer for normal skin is Topicreme ultra moisturizing body milk, it is gentle on your skin and good for sensitive skin. If you have  dry  and itchy skin then Topicreme AD emollient balm and the AD ultra rich gel is recommended. For Eczema prone dry skin Topicreme SOS repair with 10% urea can be used.

4)Antioxidants and Supplements:  Use this power combo: Green teas after dinner, then Resveratrol, Gluthathione and Vitamin C capsules/tablets as supplements.

5) Sleep:  Aim to sleep and rest well every day, The concept of *beauty sleep* is not a myth because lack of sleep is a quick way of having wrinkled and dull skin complexion.

Having a good skin require consistent effort. Try the steps suggested and let me know what you think😘
