How to treat acne without using harsh chemicals

A natural treatment plan emphasizes dietary changes, detoxification, stress reduction, natural hormone balancing and identification of possible food allergies.

Causes of Acne

Your genes could possibly be a major factor why nothing seems to treat the acne plaguing your beautiful skin. Studies at the Pennsylvania state university college of medicine isolated  matrix mettaloprotinase 1 gene in acne lesions. Genes can change the physiology of the skin such that it becomes more sensitive to acne. Green tea and caffeine creams can help by blocking androgen receptors in the skin.

 Nutrition deficiencies/Poor diet
Examples of foods good for acne prone skin

Although the current relationship between acne and diet is not clear, it can be clearly seen that Vitamin A plays an essential role in skin health and fingernails. Also vitamin D deficiency increase proliferation of acne due to its impact on keratinocytes. Other nutrients that can help acne prone skin include Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids and minerals such as zinc, copper and iron. Patients should cut back on alcohol, sugar, cow milk and processed foods but indulge more in pumpkin seeds, oysters, pumpkin seeds, probiotics, and, green tea.

Hormonal imbalance

High level of androgen in women can stimulate the skin's sebaceous glands and cause them to produce too much oil, leading to acne. For non smoking women that are younger than 35 years oral contraceptives may be prescribed.
Example of contraceptives prescribed for acne include levonorgestrel and cyproterone. Other drug therapies include Androgen receptor blockers such as spinorolactone and  glucocorticoids. Hormonal imbalance induced acne can present as pre-menstrual acne flare ups, persistent acne even when topical therapies have been used, and deep seated  nodules of the lower face and neck. Natural therapies used to correct hormonal imbalance include: evening primrose, vitex, vitamin e, guggul, and green teas. It is important to note that pregnant and nursing mothers should not use these therapies except if prescribed by the doctor.

Emotional stress
Stress is often cited as a trigger for acne. Studies by Annie et al (2003) reported that there is a relationship between acne and stress therefore therapeutic approaches should be targeted during these periods of stressors.

Poor digestion/Toxic body system
An important rule to a glowing skin is a  good digestive system, The gut health affects the appearance of the skin and cause acne,one way of identifying if acne is caused by a toxic body system or poor digestion is by checking the location of the acne. If acne is located on the forehead then a poor digestion may be implicated, Also identifying food triggers and symptoms such as stomach ache may be useful. Management options include increasing water consumption, use of liver detoxifiers such as milk thistle and dandelion, bitters, and probiotics.

Candida/yeast overgrowth
Candida albican overgrowth can exaggerate or cause acne. Treatment options include the use of topical anti-fungals and probiotics. Based on the severity of the infection oral anti-fungal drugs may be used. It is best seek the advice of a dermatologist before using any oral anti-fungal drug for acne. Also a candida cleanse can be incorporated which involves a diet devoid of sugar for 3 weeks.

Suggested tests to carry out

  • Blood sugar testing
  • Hormonal assay
  • Food allergies sensitivities
  • Stool or blood analysis for fungal overgrowth
  • Nutritional testing for nutrition deficiencies

General Treatment options

  • Vitex extract 160mg daily(Contraindicated in pregnancy)
  • Flaxseed oil or fish oil
  • Zinc- 50mg twice daily with meals for 3 months then reduce the dose to 50mg daily, it should be taken with copper (3mg to 5mg). Zinc acts by increasing or promoting skin healing by reducing buildup of DHT. Zinc sulfate is less readily absorbed.
  • Burdock root- Take 300mg to 500mg of the capsule form or one tea cup three times daily.This should be taken for a minimum of 8 weeks. Burdock root acts as a blood purifier and detoxifier.
  • Tea tree oil- Place a drop of oil in a wet cotton wool and apply to the affected area. Always do a patch test before applying to large skin surfaces.
  • Vit B6- Useful for premenstrual  acne. Take 50mg of Vit B6 before and during menstrual flare ups.
