How foods can help you look younger

Age is nothing but a number they say but if we don't treat our skin right it will only be a matter of time before those wrinkles starts to show and spread. I strongly believe that our skin is a reflection of what we ingest, these include food, fruits, drinks and lets not forget to mention the tons of  toxins we inhale too!. It is also important to know that what was nutritionally good for you in your teens would not necessarily be right for you at 30, and what was perfect for you at 30 might not be healthy for you at 50. Our nutrient needs change as we grow older. Enough said, lets just get to the right types of food and supplements we need to eat as we get older to take years off our look.

The Raging 20's: From our teens to our early 20's we are usually blessed with that glow and a very supple skin, thanks to collagen. Collagen is a structural protein that gives the skin it's strength and elasticity. Another structural protein is elastin which gives the skin its bounce and also aids elasticity.
The problem: The structural proteins start to deplete progressively once we hit 25 and as a result there is a reduction in the suppleness of the skin. Also once we get to 25, metabolism and muscle mass  decreases while body fat increases. The hair is not really affected at this age so we still have that thick full growth.
 The solution: In addition to exercise the basic vitamins needed to keep wrinkles far away in our 20's are Vitamin A, C, and E. At this age it is also good to have enough protein and essential fatty acids. The importance of adequate hydration cannot be over emphasized, avoid drugs and drink alcohol moderately. Remember that excessive alcohol causes dehydration and depletes our calcium stores. The RDA for calcium  at this age is 800mg.

The busy 30's: 
The problem: At this age muscle mass loss has increased to about 150-175g per year and there is an equal if not more increase in body fat. Metabolic rate at this age is also slow, the oil glands becomes less active hence making the skin drier than usual.The skin around the eyes at this age begins to sag and it takes a longer time for swollen eyes to go down. Also the skin's structural proteins wanes further.
The solution: Do not over diet as this will affect the layer of fat just below the surface of the skin which is necessary to plump out wrinkles. More than ever it is important to have a good sunscreen. Go easy on salts to avoid fluid retention. I also recommend vitamin A as this is a  moisturizing vitamin. Stress busting exercises are also important at this age because stress can cause an imbalance in hormonal levels and increase the free radicals in your body. At this age it is also recommended that your skin care products contain hyaluronic acid.

The Thriving 40's:
The problem: In addition to the steady progression of all the problems mentioned in the previous age brackets,  metabolism and digestive system slows down considerably. The skin texture becomes coarser due to the increased build up of dead skin cells.
The solution: Hormone and estrogen balancing foods are key if you want to feel healthy. Antioxidants  will help combat free radicals. To combat muscle wasting at this age it is recommended that you do vigorous exercises e.g a brisk walk and eat a meal rich in lean protein such as salmon up to one hour after exercise, the combination of growth hormone and protein makes muscle maintenance much more possible. At this age it is also good to try eating mainly fish and vegetables, aim to eat at least five servings per day. You switch up by turning these fruits and veggies into delicious smoothies. Also at this age copper becomes very essential because it can help slow down the degeneration of body tissues which will help keep the skin looking plump and glowing. Copper rich foods include nuts, soya beans, peas, lentils, whole grains and oysters. Also potassium, calcium and magnesium supplements will help regulate blood pressure.

The Fab 50's:
The problem: In addition to the steady progression of the problems mentioned above, sleep disorders become increasingly common, fine lines become wrinkles and the skin becomes more fragile and has an uneven tone.The skin becomes increasingly sensitive to the sun.Supplements and nutrients become harder to absorb because women's stomach acid production declines.
The solution: Hydration is very  important at this age, the habit of drinking water should be inculcated even when you do not feel thirsty this is because your sensitivity to thirst declines so you might not realize you are thirsty. Essential fatty acids and fibre are very important also. Post menopausal foods include:
  • Avocado-contains vitamin E
  • Low fat dairy products,sardines (with bones): Rich in calcium which would help in osteoporosis
  • Chickpeas,lentils,aduki beans: Rich in phytoestrogens called isoflavones, which are good in reducing hot flushes and sweats.
  • Chamomile tea: Great body balancer
  •  Supplements such as Dong quai, evening primrose,vitex,and wild yam can help improve skin quality and improve skin quality. 

60's and beyond: 
The problem: There is a decline in appetite,  digestion disorders mainly constipation becomes a norm.
The solution: Although the amount of calories needed at this age is lesser than previous age brackets the same nutrients/supplements are needed (except if on special or prescribed medications).
These supplements  include Omega 3, vitamin D, folic acid, vitamin B6, B12 and B6 and zinc.

No matter our age, we can still look and feel young if we invest in eating right. It is also important to eat more organic foods that pesticide-laden foods as this can cause more harm than good. It has been shown that pesticides in foods can speed up aging. I hope you try these tips and look younger than ever your comments and suggestions are also welcome. Thanks!💗


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