Sex tips for ladies

Hello my people, sorry I have been gone for a while. Frankly I lost the motivation to keep writing due to a lot of issues going on but I decided to so today because of a recent encounter or research I did on improving ones sex life... my suggestions are stated thus:

Love yourself/ Love your body: The first step towards enjoying your sex life is to love yourself and your body, Don't be shy to explore your body, find out those spots that tickle your fancy the most, It is your body and pleasurable experience we are talking about. Take your time to explore and find out what works for you then relate it to your partner, show him how and where to touch , stroke, feel, tap, kiss, there are different strokes for different parts and these sensations vary for different folks. Be patient with your partner, as far as he is willing and attentive he will learn with time.

Vaginal dryness: If your vagina is dry, then the chances of enjoying sex with your partner is low. Lubricants help alleviate dryness but taking care of the underlying cause of dryness is better and gives lasting results. Vagina dryness can be caused by:
  • Irritants such as certain soaps, douche, perfumes;
  • drop in estrogen levels which can be due to cancer treatment, anti-estrogen medication, breastfeeding, smoking, absence of ovaries  
  • drugs such as anti-histamines and anti-depressants
  • Srojens syndrome
  • Lack of sexual desire
Treatment of vaginal dryness can be based on proper investigations of possible underlying cause.  Topical estrogen creams are available for example brands like Premarin, Neo-estrone, Estrace can be used. These creams work by delivering the hormone directly to the vagina, Menopause can result in vagina dryness due to the short fall of estrogen that occur during this phase. Other non hormonal water based lubricants are also helpful and are available over the counter. Natural aphrodisiacs such as Damiana, Tongkat alli, Muiria pama, Maca, Red korean ginseng have been proposed to be effective.

Set the mood right: When I say  you should set the right mood I am referring to a range of  components such as the right temperature, music, food, use of essential oils e.t.c. Chocolate especially dark chocolate is a wonderful aphrodisiac, so indulging in moderate amounts of chocolate can help pick up that sexy tempo. Still on sex snacks, Tiger nuts have been proclaimed a natural aphrodisiac, The list is endless, no element is too weird as far as it works then its fine. Also consider your emotions, an unsettled argument might still gnaw at you even while you are trying to be intimate with your partner, some people like the lights on, others like theirs off. so the most important thing is to choose the right elements to set your mood right, in fact it might just be sexy lingerie or hearing or seeing a sexy movie/music. Remember, its all about you and your partner, nothing is too weird.

Exercise: I must admit that I am one of the lazy ones out there when it comes to being fit but it really improves your sexual performance and makes it more exciting, it helps you eliminate mid sex fatigue and that is one major mood killer👇. Specific exercises like Kegel help tighten the pelvic floor muscles, this can be done anywhere, In your office, at home, anywhere you choose. This can be done by contracting the pelvic floor muscles, tighten the muscles for at least  5 seconds then increase your pace, it can be done three times a day. The only technique that is vital here is to learn how to isolate and tighten only the pelvic floor muscles without contracting the abdomen or holding your breath. You can start by trying to hold in urine midstream, once you have perfected this then you can start the exercise, Please do not do Kegel while emptying your bladder as this can cause incomplete emptying and subsequently urinary tract infection. There are several variations , some experts recommend the use of Kegel balls, The most important thing is to find out what works best for you.

There are loads and loads of sex tips, there are many claims and resources on sex tips for ladies. This is the first part of the topic, as soon as I carry out more research I will pen down my findings on my blog. I hope you fin these tips useful. Thanks a lot, stay blessed and I love you all.👄
