Glow up series Part 1 continued...Have a Healthy Skin

Hello Pharmaddie lovers, If you are reading this then I am sure the first segment of part 1 piqued your interest. Yay!!! (Doing my happy dance.. lol). Well I am excited and the fact that this post might resonate with someone is my source of encouragement. Lets get down to biz..

The first segment was about how I intended to tackle my love handles and weight gain, this segment is about  how I want to tackle my skin problem areas. Generally my major problem is acne, I have a super oily face and can break out really fast as a result I have suffered from post acne hyperpigmentation. Now I want to say that this post isn't about trying to please the world or make anyone feel less beautiful than others, It is important to know that self confidence regardless of how you look is key. That said, The paragraphs below will outline my problem areas and how I intend to tackle them.

ACNE: Recently I watched a video on You-tube titled 'The Doctors' where a dermatologist talked about acne, she talked about the relationship between the regions where acne occur and their causative factors (I will put the link below incase you want to watch the video).  I break out on my cheeks and a little bit on my fore head, based on her lecture acne on the cheeks can be linked to the use of steroids and hormonal imbalance, on the forehead it is linked to use of pomade and some hair care products. Well I think it is true, because I know that the breakouts on the chin become worse when I am about to see my period and it gets better when I use drugs such as Evening primrose and Tocovid. Basically in summary I intend to treat my acne using a combination of 10% Benzoyl peroxide and Clindamycin cream then I would give my face time to rest before I book a session of microdermabrasion or chemical peel with a skin specialist. I will also use supplements such as Evening primrose and Tocovid.
My advise is that while you may try these tips, it is also important you watch videos on acne, see before and after pics as these may encourage you, also talk to your dermatologist for expert advice tapered to your specific condition or causative factor.

DARK INNER THIGHS MIXED WITH STRETCH MARKS: Hey! I really dislike this ish, mine is really nasty, like different shades of black. I have not really done anything about it though😕 , my major fear is that the use of lightening products there may worsen the stretch marks. My plan is to treat both concurrently by using organic products after doing a session of microdermabrasion. I don't want to use lime, lemon, potato peel e.t.c as suggested by some blogs because of the weak skin in that area. I intend to apply bio oil every day until I am booked for the session. I also recognize that my weight and diet will play a major role.

VARICOSE VEINS: This meant no short skirts for me while I was an adolescent, I was too conscious of these veins I practically wore only long skirts and trousers. I have to see the Doctor on this one because I want to get rid of the veins effectively and safely.

NOT SO WHITE TEETH WITH PLAQUES: Well what can I say, we get so busy we don't remember our appointments with the dentist. Yes I brush at least once a day but regular intake of sweets and drinks may have taken its toll on me. I have a dentist in mind and will post pictures when I am ready.

TIRED EYES ALL THE TIME: My eyes look bugged out even with the slightest focus on a screen on a book especially when I don't get enough sleep the night before. I intend to use Optrex dazzling eye drop, I hope this works.

NOT SO SUPPLE LIPS: Sugar scrubs are amazing! I know because my clients use them but due to my busy schedule I barely have time to treat my lips. I intend to moisturize regularly and resume the use of my signature sugar scrub.

These are my major concerns and I hope to tackle them effectively. I promise to keep you posted on my success, fears and failure(If any👀).
