My Experience with Hyperemesis gravidarum

Hyperemesis gravidarum means excessive vomiting in pregnancy. It is usually expected that after the first trimester, it goes down or even stops finally but in some women it stays throughout the pregnancy.

Hmmmm.... Now to my experience. ... Infact HG was the light bulb that prompted me to go for a pregnancy test. I was so sick , tired, nauseated lacked appetite and because of the nature of my environment I kept on using Malaria meds(especially since I was sure I wasn't pregnant... Lol)...

After I received the exciting news, I held on and believed that the symptom will be over in 3 months.... But I was wrong... Here is a run down of my symptoms and the interventions I tried ( Both successful and unsuccessful) ones...

1) Dizziness and Nausea: Sucking on ice worked but the relief was brief. Ginger and Pepper didn't work for me as generally recommended.

2) Lack of Appetite: I tried to take healthy Yoghurts and Malt drinks.. They kept me sane for the period.

3) Extreme weight loss: There was nothing I could do at the time, so I managed to avoid anaemia by eating veggies as little as I could and fruits too..

4) Aversion to bright lights: I used shades, dimmed the brightness of my phone and minimised watching TV , instead I listened to the shows.

5) Excessive Vomiting: Hmmmm.... This was the toughest part as I could not hold water sometimes... So I got a journal to note the times when I vomit most and the triggers. In my case it was bad in the early hours of the morning, when the Sun is shining at its peak and late at night. I also noticed it gets worse when I drive or stay in a car for long , or when I am exposed to my triggers. Antiemetics seldom worked so I just stopped taking them.., I was also infused alot to replace lost fluids and electrolytes.

6) Aches and Pains: When it is severe , i use Paracetamol, although I didn't feel alot of pain compared to other symptoms.

Well.,.. These are the symptoms I can rememberd ... But it was worth it in the end because my Son came healthy and strong... Selah

PS... There are support groups online that have real treatments to manage this condition,they have doctors and health care practitioners that are into the research and management of HG. 
