2023 may have sped by and your skin may not be in the best state, but you have chance to glow up all through next year. It is important to keep your skin in the best state possible as that is the most obvious way to showcase your beauty and stay confident. 1) It starts with a cleanse/detox; I know there are a number of conflicting info online, but I can assure you that this step ensures you have a clear and beautiful undertone. Call it cleansing, detoxing, juicing or taking teas, this step is very crucial if you want to a long-lasting clean skin. All you have to do is pick a duration you can handle and either take a blend of skin loving fruits as your meal for the entire duration, or you just take a blend of beauty teas for that duration. You can do this once or twice a month. 2)Reduce simple sugar intake: Ranging from a dull and blotchy complexion to dark patches, simple sugars wreak havoc on your skin and make you look older than you really are. If you have a sweet tooth, replace y